Strata Plans Melbourne | VicLand
Strata Plans Melbourne | VicLand

Strata Plan Interpretation

Prior to the introduction of the Subdivision Act 1988, building subdivision in Victoria was governed by the Strata Titles Act 1967. Plans registered under STA1967 bear the prefix RP (Registered Plan) or SP (Strata Plan).

Key elements for Interpreting Plans under the STA1967:

  • Boundaries that are defined by structures are shown by thick continuous lines
  • Where boundaries are defined by structures, the boundary lies along the median of the structure unless otherwise specified in the legend
  • Structures, as defined in the Strata Titles Act, include fences, wall, floors or ceilings
  • Boundaries not defined by structures are shown by thick broken lines and are dimensioned or fixed.
  • Any thin lines or thin hatched lines shown on a strata plan do not represent a parcel boundary
  • Strata plans show the outline of the buildings on the unit diagram:
  • Because the unit number is often shown inside these outlines, there can be some
    confusion about where the parcel boundary lies.
  • At the time of registration, plans under the Strata Titles Act always contained common property.       The common property may be in airspace-above or below the ground surface.
  • Units may be defined as being restricted or accessory (car parks) units. Restricted units cannot be transferred unless transferred with accessory unit
  • The legend in a strata plan may contain one or more of the following:
  • Information relating to the building in the parcel
  • Any notice of restriction
  • Common property statement
  • The location of the upper and lower boundaries
  • The storey table if there are multiple stories; and
  • If appropriate, information if the boundary lies other than along the median of the
  • Any reference to unit (whether restricted, accessory, car park or otherwise) on strata plan is treated the same as a lot on a Subdivision Act plan.

For further inquiries relating to the interpretation of STA1967 plans, please contact our office.

Note that the Subdivision Act 1988 allows for redevelopment of strata plans. Boundary definitions within strata plans may be derived from both the Strata Act ad Subdivision Act. The only way to amend boundaries on a strata plan is with Section 32 of the Subdivision Act 1988.


Subdivision Melbourne | Land Surveyors | VicLand Surveying
Subdivision Melbourne | Land Surveyors | VicLand Surveying

Unfortunately there is a perception in the general community that surveying and subdivision fees fall within the “a few hundred bucks” category.

Fees associated with general surveying and subdivision vary depending on the type of survey required and for subdivision, the number of lots to be created, amongst many other factors.

Next time you ask your surveyor for a quote you should also ask them weather they have the following:

  • Public liability and business insurance
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Work cover Insurance

Reputable surveying companies charge proper fees. Their fees take into consideration:

  • Insurance fees as above
  • Wages and superannuation
  • Operating costs
  • Equipment costs
  • Value of the product delivered.

If you have been quoted $500 for your initial survey and then $1,000 for your subdivision you should be questioning the integrity and capability of the surveyor.

Only a licenced land surveyor can legally perform property boundary surveys and subdivision. It takes on average 4 years of university to obtain appropriate qualifications then another 2 years minimum before a person can obtain a license to become a land surveyor. It is a specialised profession that deals with land valued at millions of dollars.

When choosing your surveyor you need to consider reputation, credentials, experience, work ethics and quality of work. Your choice should not be made on price alone.

Vicland Surveying are registered, licensed land surveyors of long standing fully qualified to perform your property boundary surveys and subdivisions. Call us, your surveying and subdivision solutions specialists on 9331-4266 to discuss your requirements today!